The Love Collective’s core principles embody the values which we hold sacred. These values are deeply reflected in our actions and serve as a compass to support us in our journey as a community. They ground our community and exist alongside the larger set of the 10 Principles of Burning Man.

They were crafted not as a dictate of how people should be and act, but as a reflection of the community’s ethos and culture as it has organically developed since the collective’s inception.


At its heart, our mission is to share love, openly. We do so, first, through self-love. As well as by practicing inclusivity and acceptance; by consciously expressing gratitude and appreciation; by connecting with our compassion in the best (and worst) of moments; by embracing pleasure and beauty; by tending to our spiritual body; by nourishing intimate bonds of connection. TLC culture means leading with love in all aspects of life on and off of the playa.


The Love Collective is born from thoughtful intention. To act with intention means to act with purpose, developing our inner and outer awareness. With honest awareness as a guide, we’re able to be true to ourselves, as well as to the needs of those around us. Intentionality is woven into our camp culture, leadership and day-to-day activities.


We ask that all collective members empower ourselves to: vocalize our needs and desires graciously, make decisions we’re proud of, and receive “no’s” with kindness. We encourage discernment, as well as cultivating awareness of our personal boundaries, so we may embody our Yes or No wholeheartedly.


We invite one another to act in our highest integrity. At TLC, we have a deep sense of responsibility to each other, to our community, and to the wider Burning Man community, which we uphold at all times of the year. This sense of responsibility drives our dedication to each of our principles and is present in our work and play ethos.


We invite joy to spring forth in our work, our relationships and **play. None of this is worth it, if we’re not having fun too!


At all levels, we invite each other to step into service. We are committed to fostering community collaboration and initiating, as well as supporting others’ visions to come to life– within the camp and in the world at large. We encourage self-empowerment, stepping up and showing up when we see a need or a gap. The more radically we care for our community and our environment, the more becomes possible.


We believe that much of the magic of Burning Man is in the practice of awe. In allowing ourselves to have deep reverence, we can access the profound beauty of the world, our creations, each other, and spirit. When we delight in the unknown, we open ourselves up to possibility.

All this and in addition to the 10 Burning Man Principles of: