Burning Man 2024

We have carefully crafted a comprehensive and effective suite of tools to cover all areas of coordination and communication for camp. Below is information about how all of our tech work together:

**NOTION - Digital Dashboard and Community Handbook**

Notion (where you are now) serves as our main dashboard for camp. Consider this our shared map. This is where you can find any and all information relevant to being a part of TLC. Please take the time to read and explore this pertinent consolidation of who we are and what we are creating together.

ZOOM - Video Meetings

Zoom will be used for group video meetings, as we’re a broad collective of humans located across the globe. Zoom link invites will be sent to those participating in the corresponding events and gatherings through email.


WhatsApp is still the platform that most people check daily. Therefore, we decided to create one large thread for all campers to ensure that no one missed anything pertinent or relevant. Please make sure you are in the chat and checking it regularly. We’ll send the link invite to all campers as part of the process, IYKYK